Create an extraordinary place for thought and action and an unmatched environment of excellence and educational community.
Impart uninterrupted, affordable education with out restraint to all children.
Expand the boundaries of achievement and triumph.
Help students explore their strengths and limits and enhance their capacity for influence.
Build self-esteem, conviction, and poise in students; and make them self-reliant and confident in their self-worth.
Facilitate students to discover new dimensions of learning beyond academics.
Cultivate values of life and build character in students.
Sensitize students to environmental concerns.
Instil values of Nationalism and harmony in society.
Train students to negotiate and exploit the emergent globalization.
Inspire tolerance and respect for others.
Inculcate respect for cleanliness of body, mind, and soul.
Contribute to physical, mental, and emotional development of students.
Liberate the mind from blind beliefs and superstition.
Help students recognize and appreciate the aesthetic magnificence of the creation and respond to it in their overall appearance and behaviour.