Pragati Public Senior Secondary School is an entity of the Pragati Group of academies. It is an educational institute of eminence, opening new vistas of learning for children and channelise their potential to meet the challenges of the increasingly competitive global environment. We wish to deliver the best to our children to nurture their talent to achieve this objective. In order to achieve this objective, it becomes a vital choice to select an appropriate school for the child. This requires a lot of thinking and consideration.
I shall feel honoured if you choose Pragati Public Senior Secondary School for the formal education of your child. We strive to provide a congenial school environment, where each child can reveal their inherent talents and develop them to full potential. At Pragati Public Senior Secondary School, a child’s ability is not restricted to only class room deliberations. Sports, art, music, community service, and cultural values of life are integral components of Pragati’s education system, which was fashioned to expand a child’s aspirations to learn and cultivate leadership skills and character. Our desire is that you child will leave Pragati Public Senior Secondary School not as a partisan thinker, but a thinker passionate. If you are looking for a school, which makes your beloved child a good human being rather than an uncaring professional, your search ends here!
Dr. Zafar
(M.A. B.Ed., Ph.D)